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Disabled Dog Abandoned By The Road By

Volkswagen almost bankrupted a tyre company !!!😮

Upload : 4 days ago...

2024-12-24 01:00 124,983 Youtube

Paralyzed stray pups were discarded like trash, left to die until this happened.

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-20 08:22 5,718 Youtube

A Journey of Compassion: Rescuing a Paralyzed Dog and a Forgotten Cow

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-21 01:00 10,737 Youtube

Abandoned Dog Rescued From Living on the Roads by a Family

This Great Pyrenees was seen abandoned on the side of a highway by these three sisters. They at once knew that they had to bring him to safety. They carried him...

2018-07-13 04:41 84 Dailymotion

Abandoned Dog Adopted By Police Department

Police couldn’t find the owner of an awesome stray dog, so they kept him for themselves. Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) has the story....

2016-05-04 01:00 146 Dailymotion

Crossing Road by Dog

Crossing Road by Dog...

2014-08-20 01:02 97 Dailymotion

Disabled dog abandoned by owner finds new family and now rolls in custom PINK WHEELCHAIR

A golden retriever that was abandoned by her owners after breaking her spine has found a new family - and now rolls about in a custom pink wheelchair.Olivia fel...

2022-02-25 03:25 6 Dailymotion

Abandoned baby raccoon gets snatched by dog

A Canadian homeowner got a shock recently while examining a tiny baby racoon which was wandering around his garden.The man was filming the tiny ball of fur, whi...

2018-01-10 00:39 36 Dailymotion